What a horrible experience buying a new car!
This is how you lose an easy sale.
I’m currently in the market for a new car.
Kids take up a lot more room than I anticipated and even a simple trip feels like moving house while playing Tetris.
Jack’s travel bag is bigger than a bag I would use for a week away…
I know many car dealers are not open atm but, have salespeople working from home.
Not only that.
I thought for sure the salespeople would like to have some sales lined up for when they re-open.
I did a little research on car sales and started to ring some dealers.
I was hoping to know:
– Would the car fit my needs?
– What stock they had?
– Price?
– How can we align for inspection and pickup in this environment?
I had started my quest hoping to have a car lined up for purchase and was even happy to leave a holding deposit.
But, things went downhill fast…
Many salespeople could not answer basic questions about the cars they sold.
– How big is the boot internally?
– How much room does the back seat have?
– Reversing cameras and sensors?
– Apple connect?
– Towing capacity?
I kid you not …
One of the dealers informed me that their supply chain had been hit.
If I wanted a car then, I should buy now over the phone without a test drive or inspection.
Otherwise, there would be no way to ensure a car was available for me and it could take 6 months+
I asked him if all the cars listed from their dealership showing “for sale” had been sold?
He said no, but, there was a lot of interest.
??? WTF… Sale lost.
Youtube reviews do a better job of selling a car than the salespeople…
If I were a car dealer, I would consider sacking my salespeople and sponsor some youtube channels.
I’m still in shock about how badly these salespeople did.
No awareness that they had talked themselves out of an easy sale.
How could they think the call went well at all?
I finished the day thinking about how gutted I would be if it was my business.
If my salespeople had done such a poor job and thrown away a sale.
Especially in these times.
This is a time when you need to be on your A+ game.
Train your salespeople.
If you are the salesperson in your business, then get training.
The good news is that the bar doesn’t seem to be set high.
Even a little bit of training will have you doing much better than the average…